Gia Miminoshvili and David Sharashidze
Mnogaya lita
For Georgia's Independence Day, contemporary art-based Gallery 83 presents 'Mnogaya lita' exhibition by Gia Miminoshvili (ceramics) and David Sharashidze (painting, graphics, ceramics), which will take place from 22nd of May until 2nd of June 2019.
Ukrainian culture has always been enriched by artists of different ethnicities, which worked and continue to work for the greater good of a united homeland. For David M. Sharashidze and
Gia Miminoshvili, which have lived in Ukraine for over two decades now, Kyiv became a second home.
Yet, at the same time it's very evident that their work is intricately interwoven with their motherland, Georgia. From the first glance you catch your breath while observing the works of a one-of-a-kind,
sun-drenched and full of Georgian folklore David's paintings, and simple and ascetic shapes in the sculptures and ceramics of Gia.

Exhibition is surprisingly harmonious and wholesome, it transports us to a picturesque town with cosy courtyards and red-tiled roofs with grape vines and flowers, handmade dishes, deftly made from burnt clay. In one of the paintings we encounter a table, which invites us to have a quiet, unhurried conversation, poetry recitation or contemplating about the higher matters in life. For that particular reason there is nothing more on the table, but fruit and wine, since this meal is meant to fill the spiritual hunger. David Sharashidze's meal erases the disparities between people of various ages and social strata and encourages guests to discuss various themes and ideas. Interestingly, David's table always seems to be turned with one edge towards the viewer, in a way calling to us to join the conversation.

Gia Miminoshvili is an artist and a philosopher of high morale. Clay in the hands of an artist acquires
a certain meaning — it transforms into a philosophic matter, with which Gia depicts the essence of life's truths. "It's our dream to enter the spiritual realm. And our aim — to create an environment: "it" is from a different floor and has to come down and see the moon's shine, which entered inside the room. Because you're an artist and you have to create a theatre, images." Ceramic compositions of Gia Miminoshvili, created with textured chamotte, smooth glaze and extra-glazed print, incite associations of ancient ritual grails. They're given a new form and a ring of everyday life. On the foreground comes the spirit of peace and harmony and it all resonates, echoes, amalgamates in one space, like voices of string instruments of a duet. There is sadness, contemplation and hope...
ср-нд 12:00- 18:00
вул. Тарасівська, 3А
(вхід з вулиці Тарасівська. Орієнтир - зліва від дверей розташована меморіальна дошка поета С.Гудзенка)
+380 63 244 8682
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