Gallery 83
Ukrainian Print Exchange #7 / 2024
Welcome to participate!

NAPAPERI is extending an invitation to printmakers worldwide to participate in our 7th Print Exchange!

Printmakers of all skill levels are encouraged to submit an edition of 14 original handprinted works in exchange for an assortment of 12 different prints by other participants.Two prints from each edition live in NAPAPERI: one to be archived as part of our permanent collection, and one for exhibition in Gallery83, Kyiv, Ukraine (
Exhibited prints will be made available for purchase.

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all print artists worldwide.

DEADLINE: 30th of October 2024. Entries must be post marked by the due date.

PRINT DIMENSIONS: Paper size 23cm x 23cm. For the printed area, any dimension size is possible!

PRINT MEDIA: Traditional art print techniques: relief, etching, lithography, serigraphy, chine-collé, intaglio, letterpress, collagraphy, and mono- type editions. No photographs or digital prints, but digital in combination with a traditional print technique resulting in a final hand-pulled print is acceptable.

EDITION SIZE: 14 prints, each one signed, dated, and numbered 1/14- 14/14. Titles are optional.

Please feel free to include networking information on the reverse side of your prints e.g. contact information, websites. Interieave all prints with recycled paper, tissue paper, or glassine prior to shipping.

PARTICIPATION FEE: 200 UAH for Ukrainian artists and $20 USD for foreign printmakers.

SUBMISSION INFORMATION: Mail your print edition of 14 (with interleaving), with the participation fee (and be sure to include on a separate paper your name, your school if you are a student, email address, website (optional), and mailing address so I can ship your assortment of 12 prints in return.

More details on our website:

Mail to:

Ira Gvozdyk
Mykoly Ushakova street 1-V, apt. 82
Kyiv, Ukraine
post code 03179

Ukrainian Print Exchange

The UPE is an unjuried print exchange with no assigned theme, open to all professionals, students and beginners! The UPE is an annual event organized by NAPAPERI Printmaking Studio, Kyiv, Ukraine. This Exchange was founded in 2016 by Ira Gvozdyk with the hopes of supporting development printmaking in Ukraine.


The key point of the exchange is for each artist to provide 14 prints of a given size in limited edition, created specifically for the event. Artists are allowed to work in any known classical techniques
of printmaking. The organizing studio of the exchange, NAPAPERI, keeps two prints- the first for the archive and exhibition in Gallery 83, the second for sale to fund future projects. The other prints are randomized and sorted. Thus, by the end of the exchange, every participant has a chance to collect 12 works of their colleagues. By taking part in such exchanges across the world, an artist has a unique opportunity to gather a personal collection of original prints at home.
Wednesday-Sunday 12:00- 18:00
Tarasivska str., 3A
(Mark - there is the memorial plate of Semen Gudzenko poet near entrance)
+380 63 244 8682
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